Insights into Business Strategy and Emerging Technologies — KBedford Consulting

The Future of Agencies: Adapt, Evolve, Or Get Left Behind

The Future of Agencies: Adapt, Evolve, Or Get Left Behind

Let’s face it: the agency world isn’t just shifting—it’s doing somersaults. Over the past year, agencies have faced downsizing, economic uncertainty, and the ever-expanding influence of AI. While some are cautiously experimenting and others are ignoring the shifts altogether (ostrich, anyone?), one thing is clear: change is non-negotiable.

For those ready to lean in, 2025 offers immense opportunity. The question is: are you ready to reimagine what’s possible?

Harnessing the Power of Social Tokens to Create Engaging Brand Experiences

Harnessing the Power of Social Tokens to Create Engaging Brand Experiences

Are you looking for an innovative approach to increasing brand engagement and visibility? With their potential to reward user loyalty and engagement, social tokens could be just the tool you need! Read on to discover how social tokens can help increase brand engagement and visibility and how to use them to grow your business.

Web3 Demystified: Understanding the Pros, Cons, and Opportunities

Web3 Demystified: Understanding the Pros, Cons, and Opportunities

Are you curious about the decentralized web, but don't know where to start? Look no further! My comprehensive guide to Web3 is here to demystify the new and emerging space of the decentralized internet. From understanding the pros and cons of Web3 to examining the challenges and opportunities, this article has got you covered.

5 Steps To Survive The Tidal Waves Of Project Management

If you do any job for long enough, you’ll definitely weather a few storms.  Project management is no exception.  I’ve been managing digital projects for over 7 years now, and while most days have been bright and clear, I’ve lived to tell the tale of some pretty rough seas.

Ethical Innovation - Ensuring technology is used for good

When I first watched Connecting, a case study on interaction design, I found it truly inspiring and I was excited about the future of technology that was presented.  It opened my eyes to the potential we have to use technology to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. But five years on, I find myself viewing the same narrative through a slightly different lens - one that is a bit more wary of data collection and artificial intelligence. 

The question is, how do we create technology that serves to improve and enrich the lives of people around the world, while ensuring that there are safeguards in place to protect us from ourselves?   

Risk and Reward - Reflecting on My Most Successful Year

As 2017 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on what a difference a year has made for me professionally.  

This time last year, I resolved to find myself in a new job by the end of the year.   I was with a great company with supportive upper management and amazing colleagues; but despite this, I was unhappy.  A year earlier I had been promoted from a project management position to a people management position.  I love project management and I’m really good at it; but despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t find the same passion for managing people and all their idiosyncrasies. I think that deep down, I had known that my role was not a good fit for quite some time, but it wasn’t until the end of the year that I really admitted it to myself.

Risk Management 101 - A beginners guide to keeping your project on track

Managing risk is a necessary component of project management.  Unfortunately it is often neglected right up until the point where there is a serious problem that needs to be adressed.  Ignoring risks until they materialize is guaranteed to blow your budget and schedule every time - and it will add a lot of unnecessary stress to boot.

Despite the obvious benefits of a robust risk management strategy, it tends to be one of the last things project managers are trained on.   Most of the new PMs that I talk to aren't familiar with the terminology and simply don't know where to begin.  So I've put together an infographic that makes risk management simple to understand.

The customer is not always right - the importance of trust and truthfulness in client relationships

When I first entered the workforce, I was surprised at the number of times that I would hear managers say things like "Let's not tell the client about this until we know whether or not this is a real issue".  I couldn't fathom what was so wrong with letting the client know about all of the risks that you're tracking and what you're doing to mitigate them.

As I moved up through the ranks, and began interacting with clients more, I began doing things my own way.

I traded in a paycheque for a summer of memories - here's what I learned

The days may be long, but the years are certainly short. Each passing year seems to somehow be shorter than the last, and my kids are growing up way too fast. So I decided to take a summer off from work and stay home with them while they still genuinely want to spend time with me.  

I knew that the summer would be fun, but I didn't expect it to be so educational. Here are a few of the most important things I learned:

How to improve your time management, when you're short on time

 In this digital age when we are all so connected, it can be difficult to find time to get away from the constant barrage of e-mails, meetings, and web conferences in order to get any real work done. 

But fear not, for I have compiled all of the most common advice that I have given over the past several years into one handy infographic.

Why listening to your employees isn't all it's cracked up to be

I've read many articles recently about the importance of soliciting feedback from employees so that management is better equipped to make changes.  But it seems to me that most of the advice I've read is incomplete.  You see, there is a lot of discussion about the importance of soliciting feedback, but very little discussion about the importance of questioning that feedback and digging deeper to find out the root cause of the issues identified by the employees.  Listening to your employees isn't going to get you far if your interpretation of their feedback causes you to solve a different problem than the one that actually needs to be solved.